Cooperative society is a movement in our country which shall not only stay but also grow in times to come. In spite of the drawbacks experienced in the working and amine station of the co-operative societies, they have positively contributed to the growth and development of the national economy. Promotion of thrift, self-help and mutual aid are the fundamental principles of cooperative. 

Registering a cooperative society involves the formal process of creating a legally recognized cooperative entity. The cooperative society registration process may vary slightly from one country to another, but the general steps are as follows:


1. Preliminary meetings: Hold meetings with the proposed members of the cooperative to discuss and agree on the objectives, bylaws, and structure of the society. Decide on the type of cooperative you want to form (e.g., agricultural, consumer, housing, credit, etc.).

2. Formation of a governing body: Elect a board of directors or management committee responsible for overseeing the cooperative's affairs. Define their roles and responsibilities.

3. Draft bylaws: Prepare the bylaws of the cooperative society. Bylaws are the rules and regulations that will govern the functioning of the cooperative, including its objectives, membership criteria, decision-making processes, and profit-sharing mechanisms.

4. Choose a name: Select a unique name for the cooperative society that complies with the naming rules of the registering authority.

5. Document preparation: Prepare all the necessary documents, including the application for registration, the bylaws, and any other required paperwork.

6. Legal requirements: Check with the relevant government department or cooperative registrar about the specific legal requirements for cooperative society registration in your country or state. They will provide you with the necessary forms and inform you of any fees or documents needed.

7. Application submission: Submit the completed application and supporting documents to the appropriate government department or cooperative registrar. You may need to pay the registration fees at this stage.

8. Verification and approval: The registering authority will review your application, and if everything is in order and complies with the laws and regulations, they will approve the registration.

9. Registration certificate: Once the registration is approved, you will receive a registration certificate, which confirms the legal existence of the cooperative society.

10. Commence operations: After registration, the cooperative society can start its operations as per the bylaws and the decisions made by its members and board of directors.


It's essential to adhere to the cooperative laws and regulations in your country or state during the registration process. Seek legal advice or consult with experts familiar with cooperative societies to ensure a smooth and successful registration. The specific steps and requirements can vary, so it's best to refer to the local cooperative laws or regulations for accurate and up-to-date information.